Secondary education, further education and career promotion
The Foundations commitment to secondary level education aims to improve the entry of skilled workers into a technically specialized labour market and provides professionals with a broad career perspective. Profound technical and digital skills combined with a critical understanding of local and global economic processes and a collaborative, flexible mindset are increasingly important in professional life. In a continuously changing work environment, different approaches are being examined and current educational models are being transformed.
In Ghana and Tanzania, the Arthur Waser Foundation promotes cooperation networks of education actors under church patronage, who, in association with civil society organizations, influence the education system. On the one hand, the focus is on establishing and ensuring needs-oriented technical training with an increasing importance of decentralized, mobile learning. The partial dissolution of spatial and time-based teaching structures creates space for innovations in technical education.
On the other hand, more favourable entrepreneurial and financial framework conditions are being promoted at the interface of education and the labour market, fostering both career entry and diversification of businesses into the renewable energy sector.