
Ghana aims to achieve quality education services at all educational levels by 2030 with a focus on science, information, communication, and technology to equip the young population with the skills, competencies, and awareness to enter the labour market or continue their education. With this education strategy, Ghana is taking the approach of a dynamic education sector that prepares all Ghanaians for socio-economic development and ultimately ensures the alignment of Ghana’s education priorities with the global development agenda (SDG).

In 2015, Ghana’s Minister of Education established a sector task force to develop a revised 2018-2030 Education Strategy. As a baseline, the entire education sector was assessed in the current macroeconomic context and included input from national and international stakeholders.

The sector analysis found that Technical and vocational education in particular suffers from a generally low reputation despite improved access to educational institutions. The main reasons for this are the limited scope of education offered, outdated technologies, and poorer career prospects compared with other educational pathways. The latter point is partly due to the mismatch between educational offerings and labour market demand. In addition, the commitment and investment of industry, the informal economy and the government in this sector are insufficient.