Engagement Central Switzerland
The Arthur Waser Foundation allocates about one third of the available grants in Central Switzerland. It promotes voluntary involvement in charitable associations as well as the work of professional organisations.
Arts and culture

The Arthur Waser Foundation endeavors to promote the diversity of disciplines in the various regions of Central Switzerland in the arts and culture. It is just as committed to promoting quality and excellence as it is to promoting semi-professional and voluntary engagement. It also sees its funding practice as a contribution to integration and inclusion. The Arthur Waser Foundation proactively supports selected institutions in Central Switzerland which, as lighthouses, have a major impact on the art and cultural life of Central Switzerland.
Popular sports

The Arthur Waser Foundation supports popular sports in Central Switzerland. First and foremost, the large amount of volunteer work in the numerous sports clubs is promoted. For this purpose, the Stiftung Breitensport was set up in 2007, the majority of which is financed by the Arthur Waser Foundation, as well as, starting 2021, by the asuera Foundation.
The Arthur Waser Foundation supports institutions in the social field that occupy important niches that are not (or not sufficiently) funded by the state. Important topics include disability, integration and reintegration, child and youth support or addiction management and prevention. A special position is held by Kirchliche Gassenarbeit Luzern, an association which works with socially disadvantaged people at various levels, especially with people suffering from addiction and poverty. The foundation has been promoting parts of this Church Street Work Association for more than 10 years.